We had a fantastic time visiting Royal Wootton Bassett to conduct mock interviews with some of the year 10 students this week, some really insightful conversations were held through the day. Students
It can be exciting and nerve-wracking to undertake an interview and accept a new position, but there are a few things you can do through the process to assist our team in ensuring the process runs as
Our colleague Oluwatosin Omodare (Olu) has kindly shared his story with us, take a look at why he loves working in health and social care!
Thank you Olu for sharing your story! If y
End-of-life is often a topic people tend to avoid talking about, but in the health and social care industry it is something we must become familiar with. End of life care is about ensuring the persons
During the month of February we have been looking at the theme of Personal Care and Continence Care. Take a look at our blog Embracing the Role of a Care Worker: Personal Care Shouldn't Deter You
Becoming a care worker is an incredibly rewarding profession. Yet, one of the most significant deterrents for many is the aspect of personal care. It’s time to challenge this perception and embrace
During the month of January we have been looking at the theme of Vision & Values
Our Mission Statement:
"Do unto others as you would have done unto you"
The Golden Rule of Lao-Tse 604BC
Put your interview nerves at ease and make sure you’re prepared. Our recruitment team have put together these top tips to help you get ready for your interview:
Research First City. Under
First City are passionate about supporting the workforce of the future. Students of today are vital to the future of healthcare, aspiring to become Carers, Nurses and Doctors. We are proud to share ou
The Importance of Good Communication in Domiciliary Care
Have you ever heard of the phrase, 'communication is key'? - in Health and Social Care this is a motto we should all adopt! Effective commun
2024 has come to a close, in 12 months we visited the following 11 themes:
January when - Health, Wellbeing and Positivity.
February when - Hoarding and Self-Neglect
March &
During the month of December we have been looking at the theme of Winter Diseases
We have actively shared information about winter diseases, symptoms and ways to prevent spreading them across o
Winter Diseases: Awareness, Prevention, and Care
Winter - a season of crisp mornings, festive cheer, and unfortunately, an uptick in certain diseases. The cold months bring with them unique challen
During the month of November we have been looking at the theme of Staff Learning & Development
We have held some very insightful conversations at First City this month, discussing personal
Each year, in the build up to Christmas, we like to take a moment to remember our First City colleagues who have sadly passed.This year, in remembrance to these kind and caring individuals we
The festive season is fast approaching and we are very excited to be hosting 4 dates at First City House to welcome customers and colleagues to pop in and enjoy some Christmas music, a few g
We are very proud to announce that First City are the Great British Care Awards 2024, South West, Regional Winner in The Three Rs Category!
The judges had the following to say:
Please join us in keeping our customers Warm this Winter!
This winter we are asking for your donations of blankets (preferably lap blankets to reduce trip hazards) to keep our customers warm th
During the month of October we have been looking at the theme of 'Eat Well and Move More'
Encouraging our colleagues and customers to look at ways they can make swaps to their diets to eat more
Lillie Quick
SHAPE Facilitator at First City Care Group
Previous Employment: Deputy Manager of a residential children's service
What encouraged you to apply to the SHAPE team?
I have a b
First City are passionate about supporting the workforce of the future. Students of today are vital to the future of healthcare, aspiring to become Carers, Nurses and Doctors. We are proud to share ou
Abi Long
Apprentice Care Coordinator
Department: Here and Now Team
Joined First City: 01/07/2024
Previous Employment: Harvester & Sixth Form
1. What excites you about working in h
During the month of September we have been looking at the theme of Culture & Diversity
Our notice boards around the office shared information about Culture & Diversity
During this mo
Lily-Ann Bracey
Healthcare Assistant in the Community for our Isle of Wight Branch
Joined Charmes Care (Part of the First City Care Group): August 2024
Previous Employment: NHS Healthcare Ass
We would like to welcome you to join us for our Culture and Diversity Day on
Swindon Branch: Wednesday 25th September 10am – 4pm.
First City House, Cheney Manor Industrial Estate, Swindon, SN2
During the month of August we have been looking at the theme of Dignity
Our notice boards around the office shared dementia facts and information about the different types of dementia for colleague
Working as a carer is a role that requires not only physical and emotional strength but also a deep sense of respect and empathy. One of the most important aspects of working within the health and soc
During the month of July we have been looking at the theme of Dementia
Our notice boards around the office shared dementia facts and information about the different types of dementia for colleagues
Yeukai, Healthcare Assistant
How long have you worked with First City? I have been working for First City since May 2020 as a healthcare assistant. It's been a rewarding experience, and I'm gr
Sophie, Healthcare Assistant
How long have you worked with First City for? 6 years with a 1 year break
What was your occupation before working with First City? Healthcare Assistant
Marian, Healthcare Assistant
How long have you worked with First City? One Year
What was your occupation before working with First City? NHS Healthcare Assistant
Where are you study
Victory, Healthcare Assistant
How long have you worked with First City? 2 Years
What was your occupation before working with First City? Support Worker
Where are you studying and wh
Let's get those apron on and bake some delicious sweet treats to raise some money for a very good cause, Dementia Friends Swindon, during our Theme of the Month!
Please bring in your delicious swee
During the Month of June we have been looking at the theme of Skin Integrity.
Skin integrity issues can mean damage to the skin or that it is vulnerable to injury or unable to heal as it usually wo
Maintaining Skin Integrity: A Vital Aspect of Health and Social Care
Skin integrity refers to the condition of an individual's skin. The skin, being the largest organ in the human b
First City Care Group is championing the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism.
We are dedicated to ensuring all our staff receive Oliver's Training, which is a vital
During the Month of May we have been looking at the theme of Medication.
Colleagues joined us for some medication activity workshops and participated in conversations around our medication poli
We had the pleasure of welcoming two of our customers, who had previously been involved with 'reviewing our recruitment processes', onto a few hours of our induction training this month.
During our Theme of the Month for May we have created a fun wordsearch for you to try!
There are 17 medication related words are hidden within the word search, can you find them all?
During the month of March & April we have been looking at the theme of Quality.
"Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or customer gets out of it."
The No/How Pledge
At First City we support and provide care to many individuals every hour of every day. Whether on the frontline or within any of our internal service areas we are fortunate to hav
"It is important to me to have good conversation and communication"
Our HR & Recruitment Team have been talking to our customers as part of our theme of the month - 'Quality' - to see
During the month of February we have drawn focus to Hoarding and Self-Neglect across all areas of the business.
Our training team have hosted additional courses for colleagues which focused on the
Easter Egg Collection for CALM
As most of you will be aware, each year we all dig deep and donate Easter Eggs for this wonderful children's charity.
We welcome donations of Easter Eggs from
Health, Wellbeing and Positivity
During the month of January we have explored the need to think of our own health and wellbeing. Taking just five minutes without distraction can really make a p
Friends Pilates joined our colleagues in Swindon head office today to run a Pilates session as part of our January Theme of the Month - 'Health, Well-being and Positivity'
The session was thoroughl
We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and hope you all enjoy the festivities. Thank you to Swindon Borough Council for reminding everyone of the importance of Infection Control through
First City Care Group are ecstatic to announce we have been awarded 'The Putting People First Award' at the South-West Great British Care Awards.
The judges comments can be seen here.
We previously spoke to Victoria in April and thought we would catch up to see how things may have changed.
Victoria E.Abode, Healthcare Assistant
Department: First City Homecare
Joined Firs
We have celebrated nearly all of the positions that make First City, but there are a few other roles which we have yet to explore. While they may not seem to contribute to each hour of care on the sur
First City are passionate about supporting the workforce of the future. Students of today are vital to the future of healthcare, aspiring to become carers, nurses and doctors. We are proud to share ou
A Reception colleague is at the forefront of First City. They may be the first person someone meets when joining the business, or the friendly welcome to visitors. Colleagues, customers, partners and
An Accounts colleague holds the financial responsibility within the business. Running payrolls for multiple departments and hundreds of colleagues. Ensuring correct rates, annual leave, overtime, expe
A Training colleague will meet and train every person who joins First City employment regardless of role, to ensure all colleagues are equipped with the basic knowledge of what healthcare entails thro
You may be thinking I have no experience, so I couldn't be a care worker...
Well, let's talk transferrable skills!
Customer Service | People Skills | Team Work | Cleaning | Cooking |
A Brokerage colleague acts as the bridge between a person and their support package. Offering independent advice and guidance so each person can make the right choice for themselves of their loved one
You may think it obvious, the role of someone working within the HR and Recruitment Team, but as we explore this role in detail you may find there's more behind the scenes than first thought.
The first question you might have is what does S.H.A.P.E stand for?
Strength-based, Holistic, Approach/Aspirations/Assessment, Promoting, Enablement
Our S.H.A.P.E colleagues (formerly referred t
If you've made a phone call to First City, it's likely you've spoken to one of our Care Coordinators! With the on-call to cover evenings and weekends, there is always a Care Coordinator at
Akinyemi Temitope, Healthcare Assistant
Department: First City Homecare
Joined First City: March 2023
1. What excites you about working in healthcare?
To help people every day and also
Care workers hold a vital role in a person's support plan as they visit our customers each day. This support plan can include assisting with personal care, incontinence care, meal preparation, med
First City Care Group
Who are we and what do we do?
At First City Care Group, we are passionate about supporting our local community. Providing person centred support to achieve an individual
Dorcas Adu, Healthcare Assistant
Department: Front Door
Joined First City: February 2023
1. What excites you about working in healthcare?
It allows me to reach my desire to help others
Miracle Arowolo, Healthcare Assistant
Department: Homecare
Joined First City: April 2023
1. What excites you about working in healthcare?
The opportunity to support people. I grew up a
Diane Davies, Healthcare Assistant
Department: Independent Living Hubs
Joined First City: April 2023
Previous Employment: Retail Manager for Card Factory
1. What excites you about worki
We trust that our colleagues know what qualities make a good care worker, which is why we encourage referring a friend or family member to apply!
And to show our gratitude for referring like-minded
At First City Care Group, we follow a value-based recruitment process when recruiting across our teams. As well as ensuring a fair and consistent approach to all applicants, this process, alongside ou
Nickie Lapham
Department: Intermediate & Reablement Services (aka Front Door)
Joined First City: November 2017
Nickie joined First City in 2017 after taking a break from the healthcar
Alison Lee, Healthcare Assistant
Department: Independent Living Hubs
Joined First City: November 2022
Previous Employment: Hairdresser, I am still hairdressing alongside First City, I've
We would like to say a big thank you to Registered Nurses, Sarah and Kim, for delivering the first sessions of Restore2 training here at First City House.
We look forward to welcoming you back to
Ukoks Dorathy, Healthcare Assistant
Department: Independent Living Hubs
Joined First City: March 2023
Previous Employment: First Bank, Nigeria
1. What excites you about working in healt
Olajumoke Elizabeth Oyinloye, Healthcare Assistant
Department: Independent Living Hubs
Joined First City: 01/2023
1. What excites you about working in healthcare?
I've always loved
At First City, we often talk about providing person centred support, but what does this really mean? For someone new to the industry, whether that be as a customer or as an employee this may sound lik
Zorodzai Janda, Healthcare Assistant
Department: Independent Living Hubs
Joined First City: Feb 2023
1. What excites you about working in healthcare?
What excites me about working in h
Victoria E.Abode, Healthcare Assistant
Department: First City Homecare
Joined First City: March 2023
1. What excites you about working in healthcare?
Meeting with clients/patients/resi
Tracy Walsh - Trainer/Training Lead
Joined First City: 12 years ago
1. What excites you about working in healthcare?
Working with a variety of people, including internal staff, coordinat
Louise O'Neil - S.H.A.P.E Team Lead
Strength-based, holistic, approach/aspirations/assessment, promoting, enablement
My Care Journey
At school, I always dreamed I would work with children
This month we're joining Skills for Care in #CelebratingSocialCare. Find out more about why and how we're getting involved.
People who work in health and social care are highly-skilled, pas
Charlie Gunn - Digital Content Creator
Joined First City: 2015
Previous Positions: Carer, Resourcer, Junior Design & Group Talent Acquisition, HR & Recruitiment Team Lead
1. What
Stop thinking and CLICK APPLY! - why now is the time to join the healthcare industry
Working as a carer is one of the most rewarding professions you can choose, it’s a career that allows
Su Hogg, Healthcare Assistant
1. What excites you about working in healthcare?
Making a difference to the many clients throughout the day. Putting a smile on a face, finding out about their past
Ruth Ndungu - Team Leader
1. What excites you about working in healthcare?
The fact that additional training is provided for personal development. Also, that this has been my dream job since I w
Magda Ramos - Lead for Intermediate and Reablement Services
Department: Intermediate and Reablement Services (aka Front Door)
Joined First City: 2017
Any Previous Positions: Healthcare Assis
Are you looking to turn your life experience and caring nature into a great new career in health or social care?
First City are excited to talk to you about the opportunities available within the d
Kerry Harris - Employee Development & Mentoring Lead
Department: Quality
Joined First City: Sept 2019
Previous Positions: Community Living Lead, Extra Care
My Care Journey began 17
My Journey In Care
As a young child I always had an interest in 'older people'. I spent most of my spare time with my Great Gran in Lease Hill nursing home, I was always intrigued on how th
Elisha - Shape Facilitator
Department: Isle of Wight Branch
Previous Positions: Support Worker
1. What excites you about working in healthcare?
'We get to make a real positive impa
Jo Chandler - Head of Quality, Operations and Regulated Services
Department: First City Care Group – Quality and Operations
Joined First City: Dec 2000
Any Previous Positions: My First
First City are passionate about supporting the workforce of the future. Students of today are vital to the future of healthcare, aspiring carers, nurses and doctors. We are proud to share our experien
What are the key organisations that make up the NHS? And how can they collaborate with partners in the health and care system to deliver joined-up care? Watch our animation to find out.
Like th
On 7 September 2021, government set out its new plan for adult social care reform in England. This included a lifetime cap on the amount anyone in England will need to spend on their personal car
Swindon Town are delighted to welcome back First City Nursing as a commercial partner for the club, sponsoring the back of both the home and away shirts for the coming season.
First City Nursing we
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