First City - Tracy Walsh

  • April 17, 2023
Tracy Walsh

Tracy Walsh - Trainer/Training Lead

  • Joined First City: 12 years ago

1. What excites you about working in healthcare?

Working with a variety of people, including internal staff, coordinators and Managers to support staff and clients, as well as working closely with O.T's (Occupational Therapist's) to support our clients.

I get to watch a staff member as they join the team at induction and grow along their journey. I enjoy working with external companies to deliver their training, meeting other professionals within the industry to bounce further ideas around. I love meeting the people we support and also supporting staff to be person centered when working and to use the right equipment correctly.

2. Tell us about your fondest memory when working with First City

Teaching and seeing staff carry their learning through the support they are giving our clients. Although we deliver the same information, each training session is different as we encourage participation and the sharing of thoughts and ideas.

3. Thinking about working for First City, how would you describe the company?

First City sparked my interest to gain all the qualifications that I needed to be successful in my role as a trainer, which continues throughout my journey. I am always learning from further studies, our staff and the people that we support. I am very grateful for all the support from First City in being the person I am today. I really do love my job!

4. Do you have any other comments about working in healthcare, for First City, or more stories to share?

I came to First City 12 years ago. I was delivering Level 2,3 and 4 childcare qualifications certificates/diplomas. It was through meetings that I heard about Health and Social Care. I felt I would like to go down the route of gaining a healthcare qualification, which I did, and have not looked back. I am now a trainer for First City, I love my job and feel very fulfilled. I enjoy seeing First City staff coming in on their induction to be given all the knowledge needed to become amazing members of staff. I am lucky enough to see our staff on their journey with First City, as they attend further training courses to develop and refresh.