What our colleagues say...Sophie

  • July 24, 2024
Image of Sophie, a healthcare assistant at First City alongside purple text reading 'while working with us to support our local community, Sophie is also studying Nursing at Oxford Brookes'

Sophie, Healthcare Assistant

How long have you worked with First City for? 6 years with a 1 year break

What was your occupation before working with First City? Healthcare Assistant

Where are you studying and what is your course? Oxford Brookes University, Adult Nursing

What is your future plan post studies? Cardiac specialty Nurse

How has working with First City supported your course? 

  • Flexibility to undertake the 3-year degree programme
  • Kept me humble and grounded in the passion of caring for others
  • At First City, the care provided aligns with the 6Cs, which are the core values of nursing, motivating me to provide care with due regard

Would you recommend working with First CIty alongside studying, and if so, for what reasons? I wouldn't have been able to maintain stability as a student and complete 2300 hours of placement with any other care company, of that I am certain.

I have referred all of my friends from university who are looking for work because I know how difficult it is to study and make a living at the same time. The company provides an abundance of work and flexibility that fits in with my schedule, which is only possible at First City.

Any additional comments? Balancing work as a carer and studying nursing is a challenging endeavour, demanding both time management and a supportive work environment. 

For a nursing student, the academic workload and 2300 hours of placement are substantial commitments. As an employer, First City, which offers an abundance of work while allowing flexibility, can make a huge difference. This flexibility meant:

  • I could effectively manage both academic and professional responsibilities without sacrificing one for the other
  • Knowing that work adapted to fit around a demanding academic schedule provided me with a sense of security and reduces stress
  • Referring my friends from university to the same company was due to the positive experience with the company and the high level of satisfaction and trust in the company's ability to support students.

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