Theme of the Month

Each month we will focus discussions and events around a theme of the month. Colleagues please keep an eye out for any special offers kindly donated each month and important information distributed!

March Theme - Policies & Processes

Please don't forget to take a look at our digital notice board here!

Policies and detailed guidelines are accessible to colleagues at:

If you can’t remember your password, please contact the office, and we will help you get this sorted. Stay informed and safe!

What we're doing:

  • We will be reviewing our policies and processes throughout the month.
  • We will actively host conversations to discuss current processes with colleagues to see what works well and what can be improved.
  • Reminders will be sent to all colleagues across the business to remind them of certain policies, and where to find them.

Take a look at what we did in:

January - Vision & Values

February - Personal Care & Continence Care


Don't forget to keep checking back for when we reveal our theme for March!



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