Theme of the Month

Each month we will focus discussions and events around a theme of the month. Colleagues please keep an eye out for any special offers kindly donated each month and important information distributed!

December Theme - Winter Diseases

Please don't forget to take a look at our notice boards next time you're in the office to find out more information!

What we're doing:

  • As always, conversations focusing on Winter Diseases will be held during meetings, including 1 to 1's and group meetings. We would be interested to hear further from colleagues about how they would like to learn and develop in their role as part of each colleagues personal development plan!
  • Reminding colleagues about the importance of practicing good hand hygiene and PPE, Freddie the First City Elf will be assisting sharing this message across our social media channels.
  • Information and advice about Winter Ilness from the NHS can be found here.
  • Take a look at our blog post. Winter Diseases: Awareness, Prevention, and Care.

Did you know you can book or change your vaccinations online, via phone call and through text? Visit the links below for all the details and keep yourself protected this winter...

Flu Vaccine:

Covid19 Vaccine:

- People aged 65 and over are also eligible for the pneumococcal vaccine!

Take a look at what we did in:

- January when we looked at Health, Wellbeing and Positivity

- February when we looked at Hoarding and Self-Neglect

- March and April when we looked at Quality

- May when we looked at Medication

- June when we looked at Skin Integrity

- July when we looked at Dementia

- August when we looked at Dignity

- September when we looked at Culture & Diversity

- October when we looked at Eating Well & Moving More

- November when we looked at Staff Learning & Development

Don't forget to keep checking back for when we reveal our theme for January!


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